NEXT COURSE: 26-30 March 2025, ONLINE
Body Mapping is a somatic method specifically for musicians informed by neuroscience that illuminates the art of movement in musicians.
Licensed Body Mapping Educators teach the power of intentional movement to prevent and eliminate performance-related injuries through self-awareness, practical anatomy, and efficient and dynamic movement.
Dr. Masin is the first Licensed Body Mapping Educator in Switzerland, and the first world-wide to teach in German and Dutch as well as English. She was mentored by violinist Jennifer Johnson, a Sponsoring Teacher for the Association of Body Mapping Educators.

What is the Body Map and how can refining it help you in your music-making?
- discover a more resonant sound
- find physical and emotional freedom while performing
- understand and soothe music performance anxiety
- become more aware of your body while playing and in every day life
- relieve pain and discomfort
The Body Map is your neuronal perception of the anatomy of your body and how it moves.
Movement can be inefficient or limited due to pain or injury, lack of knowledge regarding anatomy or biomechanics, or bad habits that developed over time.
Refining your Body Map can improve the quality of your movements and, as a result, one learns to recognise the source of inefficient or harmful movement and how to replace it with movement that is efficient, elegant, direct, and powerful based on the truth about one’s structure, function, and size.
Interested parties can take individual or group classes, in person or online. Furthermore, one can participate in a series of sessions called “What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body” which is delivered online or in person through an 8-hour training programme.
The Course
“What Every Musician Needs to Know About the Body®” is designed to set each performer who takes it on a path of self-evaluation and change, in order that he or she may eventually arrive at a sensory-motor integrity sufficient to becoming and remaining free of injury and pain through a lifetime of performing with increasing pleasure and proficiency.
What You Will Learn:
- Movement, Your Senses, and Attention in Playing and Singing - training musicians' movement by retraining the senses and by cultivating an accurate & adequate body map. Developing Inclusive Awareness which can transform experiences of performance anxiety.
- The Core of the Body and the Places of Dynamic Balance - exploring the places of balance in the body, from the arches in the feet to the top of the spine, and using this dynamic balance to play with ease and fluidity.
- Arm Joints and how to move them - the four arm joints, the organisation from the tip of the little finger to the tip of the shoulder blade, how to move your arms to help your music-making.
- The Movement of Breathing - mapping the structures of breathing and the movement of breathing, including a dynamic gathering and lengthening core.
- Your Legs and how they move when you play - the three leg joints, the organisation of the musculature, support for leg movement and how this affects how we play.
- How to - individual masterclass sessions.
For those who wish to train to license, taking this course forms part of the certification process.
Further info on Gwendolyn Masin’s work with Body Mappying is available at
Further info on the course is available at