
Newsletters 2018

News 01/19 - (DE)

Ein Schaufenster für die klassische Musik

Zusammen mit Simon Bucher (Klavier) besetze ich im Januar ein Loebschaufenster in Bern und entführe Zuschauer und Passanten mit einer Konzertreihe der anderen Art in die Welt der Klassik! Mit dieser einmaligen Konzertreihe wollen wir das Publikum neugierig auf klassische Musik machen und ungewöhnliche Hörerfahrungen schaffen. Unser Programm gewährt einen Einblick in die kürzlich erschienene EP <<TROIS>>.

Mit insgesamt neun Einzelkonzerten an diesem aussergewöhnlichen Konzertort setzen wir augenzwinkernd einen Kontrapunkt zur gängigen Rolle der klassischen Musik in der Gesellschaft und positionieren uns mit einem Teil des Publikums mitten im Geschehen: An den drei Konzerttagen treten wir während je 15 Minuten drei Mal vor jeweils 30 Personen auf. Die Passantinnen und Passanten vor dem Schaufenster werden automatisch Teil der Konzerte, die ein Livestream ausserdem in die ganze Welt hinausträgt. Freikarten sind im Loeb erhältlich.

Treten Sie mit uns in den Dialog – seien Sie dabei und gestalten Sie klassische Musik von heute aktiv mit. In Bern und weltweit, live!


A Shop Window for Classical Music

Simon Bucher (piano) and I will occupy a shop window of Loeb Department Store in January. We plan to capture the attention of our audience and passers-by with an unusual production – live music played where mannequins and window displays are the usual sight. We want to offer the public a different experience, one that arouses continued interest in classical music with a unique concert series. Our programme will feature works from the new EP <<TROIS>>.

In total, nine concerts will be played at this extraordinary location, creating a surprising counterpoint to classical music’s usual role in society and taking a part of our audience centre stage with us: the three days of concerts will see three 15-minute-performances in front of an audience of 30 people each. Passers-by peeking into the shop window will automatically become part of the concerts, which will be streamed live around the globe. Interested audience members can receive free tickets at Loeb.

Be part of the dialogue – join us and be an active participant in classical music today! In Bern and live, worldwide!

See you soon!

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News 04/18 - (EN)

Gwendolyn brengt een virtuoze vioolprogramma samen met Nederlands toptalent; ze spelen werken van haar CD ORIGIN in Rotterdam, Wageningen, Reeuwijk en Cuijk tussen oktober 2018 en maart 2019.

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News 03/18 - (EN)

May the last of the summer breeze warm these September concerts in Bern!


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News 02/18 - (EN)

It's already April! April means: one month to go until GAIA Music Festival, Oberhofen, which celebrates its tenth anniversary this 2-6 May, with six concerts following a week of rehearsals and communal living on the beautiful lake of Thun.

April is also: the unveiling of my book Michaelas Musikhaus, der Zauber der Geige. The Irish Times wrote of the original English-language version, "based around the musical adventures of the eponymous four-year-old Michaela, its pages fairly bubble and crackle with mischief." Appearing in 2009, it now celebrates its tenth year of existence with a completely revised version published by Müller & Schade this month. We will celebrate by presenting the book as part of a concert and talk including some of my students in Switzerland's oldest publishing house in Berne.

April sees the last in the six-concert series that Irish pianist Finghin Collins and I have curated since September 2017 for Dublin's National Concert Hall. We have loved being afforded the opportunity of presenting these exhilarating collaborations with friends of ours whom we deeply admire, including the cellist István Várdai, violinist Kirill Troussov, pianist Håvard Gimse, and baritone Roderick Williams.

April has me playing concerts in unusual places amongst which: Berne's Kreissaal, celebrating 21 years of existence. The favoured cocktail bar of the city's movers and shakers has invited me to perform with Bernese pianist Simon Bucher with whom I have performed since 21 years. Orchid Classics released Simon and my album FLAME this past November. Scroll down to read reviews from Gramophone Magazine and BBC Music Magazine amongst others.

On a side note, the world's leading trade-paper on string playing, The Strad, printed an article of mine on the topic of posture and health for violinists. On that note: à votre santé!
Wishing you all a wonderful spring.



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News 01/18 - (EN)

2018 has been a rollercoaster of concerts, travels and joyful collaborations ... and it's only the beginning of March!

Here you can take a look at what's happened so far, and which exciting performances and publications are coming up... assuming current snowy and icy conditions let me travel. Hope to see you at one of them!


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