
Newsletters 2019

News 04/19 - (EN)

Kaufen Sie jetzt ihre Karten!

Ein Vorgeschmack
Zu den Kartenverkauf

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News 03/19 - (EN)

I am very excited to write to you about my new four-concert series called, "Cocktail für die Musen" at Casino Berne—the city's premiere venue for classical music. The series’ objective is to demystify aspects of classical music and to show just how close other styles in music, such as jazz, folk, blues, or tango, are to classical music.

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News 02/19 - (EN)

After performing over fifty concerts since the new year, which you can read about here at the Gwendolyn Masin press section, I'm very inspired, and excited about the season that is now upon us — summer! The festivals that go along with it, as well as a retreat from nonstop touring while I enter the pre-production phase of the year.
What follows is a roundup of the adventures I’ve had since January and notes on what to expect once autumn arrives.

Thank you for your interest and support. I wish you wonderful summer days!

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