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The Space Between the Notes / Der Raum zwischen den Tönen - XVII

“I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.”Groucho Marx

Feedback. What a powerful thing. Feedback brings heightened awareness and can be part of a process of improvement. When offered in response to my newsletters, it creates community, reflection, connection, and it brings in some moving writing from you.

Feedback from The Space Between the Notes XV (On Honesty and Art)

A very powerful and honest piece of writing. Classical music is just that: music. The word "classical" should not put it into a specific socio-economic class. All music expresses the human condition - the bad and the good. Classical music is just another food that is available for all to consume and enjoy in their own way. Not everyone loves "pizza" - not everyone is going to love ALL genres of music including classical. Every culture has its own version of its indigenous classical music. – Yale Strom, violinist, composer, filmmaker, writer, photographer and playwright

Feedback from The Space Between the Notes XVI (On Endo Anaconda)

Vielen Dank für diesen berührenden musikalischen Abschiedsgruss an ein Original der Berner Musikszene! Ich fand Deine Abschiedshommage auch darum so schön, weil Du selber ja Musik verkörperst, welche nicht an traditionellen Genre-Grenzen Halt macht. Da findet man ab und zu einmal humorvolles Spiel mit Pop-Elementen genau so wie allerhöchstes Niveau mit alten und modernen Meistern. Du meine Güte, dieser (GAIA Musikfestival) Abend mit Pärt (Cantus und Fratres) im August 2021, in Hilterfingen: Das waren magische Momente, das Schönste, was wir letztes Jahr erleben durften.– Kurt Keller, Griechisch-Dozent, PR für Kultursoufflé

Danke für diese wunderschöne Rede für Endo Anaconda, für Bern, für das Nicht wirklich zugehörig fühlen, für den schönen valse triste. Das alles macht einen Sonntag heller. Danke für die freie Rede, die offene Sprache, das berührbare Herz. – Martin Steiner, Theologe

Your writing today has moved me to tears. Such a felt eulogy. Thank you! – Elisa Malinverni, yoginī, dancer, coach, writer

Thank you for your beautiful text, so touching (I’m sorry, I don’t know how to express my feeling in English as I’m Dutch) oder vielleicht soll ich rührend sagen. Vielleicht doch lieber Deutsch. Ich habe Endo nicht gekannt, sein Song Moudi habe ich vor lange Zeit immer im Auto nach Holland gesungen. Erst jetzt weiss ich dass es von dem Mann war worüber ich diese Woche so viel gelesen habe. Schade dass ich ihm nicht gekannt habe, aber schön dass du darüber so schreibst. Danke vielmals. – Marjolein Bos, artist / Künstlerin / kunstenaar

Hab herzlich Dank!!! Was ein schönes Geschenk!!!
Ich höre das Stück immer wieder von vorne. – Andreas Hohn, Gymnasiallehrer für Religionslehre und Philosophie

You wrote so beautiful words and the Valse triste made me cry... wonderful playing! We all gonna miss Endo! – Oli Hartung, guitarist

Feedback from The Space Between the Notes VII (11 August 2021)

How I miss your voice! And so, I must admit it, even I watch your master class... the last link from your “raum zwischen den tönen” email/newsletter. Accompanying me at the moment is your master class with a student. Watching you just listen to her first interpretation – I wonder what you’re thinking. Then, hearing you play, it is so much more dynamic. Your knowledge of all the pieces is extremely interesting for a non-musician like me. Your tips for example: "distract your mind from the pressure we have to perform… the best way to focus on something this difficult is to focus on something else“, even translate to the painterly.

I have been reading all your mails and they are uplifting and inspiring – even though you are a musician, and I am a painter.

My friend, keep up the emails. I’m listening! Keep grooving with your instrument! – Renée Magaña, artist

Thank you!

Gwendolyn Masin by Martin Moell Gwendolyn Masin Photo: Martin Möll

Thank you, dear old friends, and dear new friends who were strangers only one email ago. You are an inspiration!

If you feel like not just simply knowing you’re perpetually interconnected, but also want to be in a room, literally connected, do join us this week for our first Gwendolyn’s Bridge Club (GBC) event. I look forward to welcoming you on Friday, 18 February 2022 at Villa Stucki in Berne for an evening of music, exchange and a full-course dinner. Read more about the event and book your tickets by clicking here.

Can’t make it this week but want to become a member of GBC? Then please write to Skye at who will look after you.



Topic Press allg Gwendolyn Masin

I would love to build community, understanding, openmindenness amongst music lovers everywhere. My work is designed to encourage that and your contribution adds continued purpose and dimension to that.

Your support here lends me courage and gives me motivation to go on, to never cease from exploration, to remain the eternal student and to share, share, share. THANK YOU.

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